Wednesday, March 31, 2010

White Bedroom / Upstairs Bedroom, West

Last August 2009, before I made any changes whatsoever to the old house, I photographed the rooms as I found them from all directions. The following posts show this photo archive with notes about the contents. For the major antiques, we are doing a more thorough contents and condition report including dimensions, origin, materials, condition, and oral history.

West view: original socket light, vintage linoleum-type floor, antique pine chair, antique quilt.

East view: vintage clothes, smoke trap, handmade wooden skis.

South view: antique white painted cupboard, antique wash board, Ken Sorenson oil painting, original door to kitchen stairway.

Detail of old books.

North view: vintage painted metal bed, antique quilt, antique radio, original plank ceiling.


Southeast view: long wooden blanket chest in corner.

West view

East view

South view

North view

Upstairs Bedroom, East

West view toward attic: Max Blain pastel landscape, original pioneer blanket chest with rope handles, Great Walker spinning wheel, antique painted pine chairs, antique quilts.

South view: original pioneer grain painted shelf (covered), vintage wallpaper, Great Walker spinning wheel.

East view: vintage painted metal bed and bedding, original hanging socket light.

North view: vintage tables, ottoman, and rug.

East Room

West view: antique brass bed, vintage bedding, socket light.

East view: original stairway, antique grain painted chair, vintage wallpaper.

South view: vintage pine armoire, original door, antique milking stool, vintage white dresser, old coal stove in corner.

North view: antique brass bed, Brigham Young framed print, Curtis dressing table, vintage pictures.


East view: vintage wallpaper.

East view: original doors and door stop, antique round mirror.

South view: antique wash stand, new washer/dryer hookups.

North view

Kitchen and Cellar

West view: vintage dish-ware, vintage linoleum countertops

West view: vintage cabinets, antique painted yellow chair.

South view: vintage stove and cabinets.

North view: vintage kitchen table and chairs, Wanda Bachman watercolor, vintage glass spoon dish and spoons

North view: vintage fridge, original wood doors and hardware, view to the cellar.

Cellar stairway: shelf with vintage kitchenware.

Double stairway: down to cellar, up to West bedroom.

North wall: cement block wall.

South wall: new electric furnace.

East wall: antique pie safe cupboard, stone block foundation.

West wall: exposed adobe bricks, dirt floor, stairway to kitchen.

West corner: antique butter churns, crockery, and glass jars.

West Bedroom

West view: refinished Spring City co-op wardrobe (Jennie's trousseau) with original carved crown leaning off to the side, vintage WB flower picture.

East view: antique painted metal bed, vintage sewing machine side table, vintage bedding, vintage plush oriental rug.

West view: Ken Sorenson oil painting, vintage wallpaper, vintage lamp.

North view: refinished antique dresser with mirror, painted pine chair, antique wicker table (by the Metropolitan Chair Co. New Haven, Conn.), family photos and artwork.

Blue Bedroom

West view: antique round pedestal table with grain painted finish (under tablecloth), vintage chandelier, antique radio, George Sorenson canvas bag with old paper work, antique wood and leather seat chairs (1940's?).

East view: Victorian era marble topped bureau, Victorian style brass lamps with painted glass shades, antique round mirror, stamped oak chairs.

South view: original early pioneer grain-painted china cabinet by Scandinavian maker (behind door), vintage hanging socket light.

North view: vintage metal beds, vintage bedding, Wanda Bachman oil painting, vintage metallic wallpaper, vintage shag carpet.

Middle Room / Living Room

West view toward bedroom. Max Blain watercolor, combustioneer stokamatic heater, antique rocker, key to the city, Webcore Imperial Fonograph, vintage television, vintage rug, vintage chair, antique coat-rack, vintage framed prints, vintage ceiling light fixture.

East view toward blue bedroom. Ken Sorenson oil painting, victorian spool leg side table, anscestral photo (copies) in vintage frames, victorian floor lamp with painted shade, vintage couch, antique wooden stand made by Dale.

South view to kitchen. Vintage rocker and chair, antique oval beveled glass and wood mirror (Jennie's trousseau), vintage floor lamp, family photos, antique side table, vintage German cuckoo clock.

North view to front door. Antique wood and leather seat chairs (two of six), vintage wall plaques, rag rug.